EOL Asset DB – Software and licenses

The IT Assets Database was replaced by the IT Admins CMDB and is EOL / End of Life, no further development will be done on this project.

The software module ties back to employees, workstations and servers as well as incidents that can be attached to it. The vendor source is independent, cause not every software always did let us link it to a known vendor after all. This could be easily changed, but as of the current version it is not linked.

Under each software entry, you can add licenses. The amount of added licenses will be shown in the search list-box / table as a total. You further can document license keys and serial numbers in a central place as well as select documents you want to link too. Those files can be somewhere on the network, you just select a file link and you can use the open button to open the file with your default Windows application.

In order to link software you need to go to the module for employees, workstations and servers as well as incidents and do the linking from there. Of course, if you want to be able to do it from the software module, this should be easy to implement at any point in time.

Data field and reference overview

  • Vendor
    • this is not directly referenced to the vendors table – this list is independent
    • the struggle to document all those software vendors would be to much of a hassle
  • software name
  • software version
  • notes and description
  • Licenses sub-table
    • serial number and license key
    • license type (pdf / email / hard copy / internet portal)
    • document – select a license document on the file system to link it here
    • notes / details
    • tote – physical media is often stored in totes or specific locations – this is a numeric field and allows to indicate where it can be found
    • unit cost – per unit
    • quantity – calculates the total cost of the license
    • purchase date / PO and ticket reference
  • notes and tags
  • referenced employees, servers and workstations
  • validated – a field useful for regulated environments that indicates if this system has any validation needs